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A Master’s of Arts in Management will equip you with a versatile skill set and knowledge base that can open doors to various career opportunities across industries. 无论你是一个项目经理, 非营利组织管理, 企业家, 或者医疗保健管理员, 你可以根据自己的兴趣和优势来调整自己的职业, 这使得这个硕士学位在当今的就业市场上很有价值.

你想从事管理方面的职业吗? Perhaps you’re a mid-career professional looking to climb the ladder to become an executive at your current organization. 无论你的背景如何, earning a 管理学硕士 online from Hardin-Simmons大学 will prepare you to take on management responsibilities and become an inspiring leader.

也许你有一个艺术学位,有一天想拥有或管理一个艺术画廊. 我们的米.A.M. 学位是为非商业专业的本科生设计的. M.A.M. program provides a holistic approach to business and management so you can take your undergraduate 学位 to the next level and enjoy greater opportunities for career advancement.

Whether you’re a working professional or you live outside Texas but still want an exceptional educational experience, 我们的管理学位是为您而设的. 我们的30到36小时,完全在线M.A.M. Degree可以让你在不牺牲工作或与家人在一起的时间的情况下获得学位.

早期的米.A.M. 学位的机会

Seniors in any of HSU’s bachelor’s 学位 programs are eligible to enter the 提前录取研究生(EAGL) program. 在你的本科和硕士课程中申请6个学分.A.M. 度. Earn your 管理学硕士 in just one year of post-undergraduate work — saving you time and money.




哈丁西蒙斯大学的凯利商学院提供联合学士学位.B.A.-M.B.A. program so that students working toward the 150-hour Certified Public Accountant requirement can obtain a master’s 学位 with little additional coursework.


Numerous hands-on learning experiences are built into our core accounting curriculum — from preparing tax returns to participating in weekly discussion boards. Career services and accounting faculty also work closely with local CPA firms to coordinate internship opportunities.


The role of accountants in business continues to evolve with the accelerating demands of a global economy. Our program supplements financial expertise with technical and communication skills that the next generation of accountants will need to analyze financial information and convert those results into predictive tools.


无论你的本科学位是商科还是戏剧专业,获得文学硕士学位.A.M. HSU的学位会给你信心和专业知识来管理一个组织, 自己创业, 或者在你现在的职位上升职.

我们的许多M.A.M. 该计划的毕业生在人力资源等不同领域就业, 咨询, 市场营销, 和销售. 他们在IBM等知名机构工作, Peterbilt汽车, 国际救援委员会, 以及全国各地的创业公司.

M的工资.A.M. 学位的毕业生

管理类职业的平均年薪为102美元,根据美国统计局的数据,2021年的工资为450英镑,是所有主要职业群体中最高的.S. 劳工统计局.


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  • 我如何开始学习我的M.A.M. 学位?

    M.A.M. 项目要求

    有资格申请管理硕士在线课程, 候选人必须持有认可机构颁发的学士学位, 有一个3.本科平均绩点0分. Seniors currently pursuing a bachelor’s 学位 from Hardin-Simmons大学 can enter the EAGL program — allowing six hours of graduate work to count toward both 度.


    1. 所有学校的正式成绩单
    2. 详细的简历
    3. 样本:书面样本,如以前写过的论文或信仰声明
    4. 与项目主管的面谈(当面、网上或电话)
    5. 不需要GMAT或GRE


    国际学生 who wish to participate in the 管理学硕士 program can take it fully online from their home country.

    A student whose native language is not English must provide an official TOEFL score of 550 on the paper-based exam, 这次机考得了213分, 或托福网考75分. 托福成绩必须直接从考试机构寄来. 学校代码:托福- 6268.

    国际学生 should consult the university’s Graduate Studies Catalog for additional requirements.


    The student must complete the 管理学硕士 within five years from the semester of first admission.

  • 提前录取研究生(EAGL)

    Undergraduate business students who are approaching the senior year of undergraduate work at Hardin Simmons University are encouraged to apply to the EAGL program. 入学要求与管理硕士课程的入学要求相同, except that the cumulative GPA for all HSU coursework to date can substitute for the overall undergraduate GPA.

    Admitted students may take up to six hours of MA coursework in their senior year to apply toward their MAM 学位. 完成剩余的MAM核心课程, 选修课, 以及MAM的所有其他要求, the student may receive the master’s 学位 upon the completion of 36 hours of graduate hour work that includes up to 6 hours taken as an undergraduate. The undergraduate 学位 will be awarded upon completion of all requirements for that 学位 program.


    In accordance with the standards of the Accreditation Council for Business 学校 and Programs (ACBSP), courses in the MAM program must be normally reserved for graduate students admitted to the MAM Program. 只有在下列情况下才会例外:

    1. 该本科生已被我校录取
    2. 该本科生是大四学生,累计GPA为3分.2.
    3. There is some extenuating circumstance which justifies allowing the undergraduate to take a graduate

    Enrollment in the graduate course must be explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis either by the program director or by the dean of the Kelley College of Business.

  • 关于主任

    Jennifer plantier,研究生项目主任

    “我们的MAM课程是实践性的, so students can apply what they are learning in the classroom to what they will actually do on the job. 我们与当地企业在项目上进行协调,这些项目都是现实世界的工作——营销计划, 研究, 商业计划, 非营利组织的推广和拨款写作, 和实习. We can customize a program for individual students with development through specific 选修课 within the MAM.”

    Dr. Jennifer Hobbs Plantier,商学教授 & 营销,是哈丁·西蒙斯大学MAM项目主任. Dr, Plantier received a BS in business administration with a concentration in 市场营销 from Hawaii Pacific University. Her work carried her beyond retail into commercial trafficking 和销售 while working for two radio stations in Connecticut and Texas.

    Dr. Plantier furthered her education while working as the 市场营销 director and station programmer in student affairs at Texas Tech University. 她在理工大学获得了市场营销硕士学位, then shifted her focus to consumer behavior and continued her education at Texas Tech earning a PhD in consumer economics. 在完成学位期间,博士. 普兰蒂埃曾在陶森大学担任客座教授, 马里兰, 她在哪里教市场营销和经济学课程.




