阿尔伯特·G少校. Maroscher


阿尔伯特·G少校. Maroscher lived on this earth for 32 years. He spent only three years on the campus of Hardin-Simmons大学, but left an indelible imprint on The Forty Acres, 模型驱动, 的决心, 学术成就, service and patriotic devotion to our nation.

Maroscher was a Romanian native who later became a naturalized American citizen. As a young boy, his family fled their home during World War II. He walked over 600 miles across Romania, 匈牙利, 奥地利, 最终进入巴伐利亚, 1945年5月的德国, where he and his family temporarily settled.

One day, Maroscher was rummaging through trash when an American soldier approached him. Maroscher stood his ground and was met with a kind smile and a piece of chocolate from the soldier. This brief encounter and act of kindness was a friendly introduction to an American that laid the foundation for Maroscher’s eagerness to become an American citizen. The Maroscher family later made their way to the United States, where they became citizens.

Albert Maroscher graduated from Ohio State in 1959 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the army. After officer’s training at Fort Benning, 乔治亚州, he was assigned to Germany as a platoon leader, 澳门皇冠赌场平台主任, 公司行政主管, 连长, 还有营副官. 1963年,他回到美国.S. as a captain and was assigned to HSU’s ROTC program to serve as an assistant professor of military science. While at HSU, Maroscher earned a master’s degree in history.

Upon his completion of his tour of duty at HSU and after completing jungle warfare training in Panama, Maroscher prepared to leave to serve his country in Southeast Asia. 他的妻子, 贝蒂, said that the young officer told her, “I love my country and if I die, I want it to be in service to my country. 1967年8月, Maroscher reported to the First Infantry Division in Vietnam, where he was promoted to major. He was killed in an aircraft shot down by hostile fire on April 15, 1968.

回到阿比林的家,上校. 约翰尼大米, HSU professor of military science and ROTC director said, Captain Maroscher was a professional military officer in all respects. His loss here is going to leave a major hole in our program.” Maroscher’s funeral service was held in Behrens Chapel.

许大校长许志强博士. Elwin Skiles announced his desire for a memorial to be established to honor the memory of Major Maroscher that would direct the thoughts of students to God and their country. A special ceremony was held in 1969 to dedicate a new campus flagpole memorial that stands in the front lawn of the campus today.

他的妻子, 贝蒂, was presented with several posthumous awards in her husband’s honor. Among those awards were the Silver Star, 杰出飞行十字勋章, 军人奖章, 铜星章, 航空勋章, 陆军嘉奖奖章, 和紫心勋章.

银星, the nation’s third highest award, was presented for gallantry in action on January 31, 1968, while Maroscher was acting as the officer in charge of tactical operation for his battalion in the suburbs of Saigon. Portions of his unit became subjected to intense enemy machine gun and automatic weapons fire. Disregarding his own personal safety, he deployed elements of his command so as to neutralize many of the enemy positions and limiting American casualties.

Maroscher also received the 杰出飞行十字勋章 for heroism while participating in an aerial flight on February 21, 1968. While making an aerial reconnaissance, Maroscher learned that a company from his battalion was in heavy contact with a well-concealed enemy force. He and his pilot made numerous treetop passes in an effort to locate enemy positions and mark them with smoke grenades. His courageous efforts of coordinating both ground and aerial forces against enemy forces were greatly significant in the victory gained over the hostile force.

士兵勋章, the nation’s highest medal for heroism not involving actual conflict with an armed enemy was presented for his action on December 31, 1967. When an ammunition supply area caught fire, Maroscher entered the area in an armored vehicle to direct a search for personnel trapped in the area. His resourcefulness and concern for his fellow soldiers were instrumental in limiting the severity and number of casualties during the disaster.

Other decorations presented were the 铜星章, 航空勋章, 陆军嘉奖奖章, 和紫心勋章. Service medals and badges included the National Defense Service Medal, 越南服役奖章, 越南战役绶带, 战斗步兵徽章, Marksmanship Badge and Parachute Badge.

夫人. 贝蒂 Maroscher has described her late husband as “not only a wonderful officer and fantastic human being; but, 他是我一生的挚爱.” For his outstanding and patriotic service to his nation and for his courageous action in combat, Hardin-Simmons大学 proudly inducts 阿尔伯特·G少校. Maroscher into the HSU 领袖堂.